Physics for physics teachers
Over 50% of physics teachers in the US do not have a physics degree. Physics is notoriously a challenging class, for both students and teachers. Whether you were a physics major or have never taken a physics class, I am here to help you with the content and skills needed to teach this beautiful and exciting subject well.
About Cee²
CeeCee is a high school physics teacher in Virginia. She studied physics at William & Mary then continued on to a Master’s in Science Ed. She taught 8th grade physical science before starting her current position teaching standard physics and AP Physics I. She is passionate about physics pedagogy and curriculum design and believes that strong content knowledge goes hand in hand with strong pedagogical knowledge to make for effective instruction. She loves astronomy, is a Virginia Master Naturalist, and dabbles in crochet, knitting, and quilting.
Contact Cee
Have an idea for a resource or blog post? Noticed a typo? Want to talk about physics and/or teaching? Send me a message :)